I have never read anything by you before, Kirsch. This is frightening. It is vulgar in the extreme. You have NO INTEGRITY but that is obvious of anyone who has become a multi millionaire through exploitation. You actually think money can answer this question. You think money wins a debate. Now I know why the NO VIRUS camp will not debate you, or have anything to do with you. You are dangerous. You sound as if you would have Massey killed, and can afford to do that. You attack Sam Bailey and Christine, but not the men? You piece of scum. These people have proven their position, and since they have integrity in spades, and you obviously will never possess such a quality as it can not be bought, I can fully understand why they will not engage in your sordid little game. There is no question about it. Viruses have NEVER BEEN PROVEN TO EXIST AND CAUSE DISEASE. If you feel the need to lash out because the paradigm you have lived your life by is crumbling, that's YOUR PROBLEM - not theirs. Fuck you and your money you cheap filthy bastard. You are nothing but another rich yank trying to bully others into doing what YOU WANT by throwing money around, which is exactly why we have this problem in the world. But you got 2 jabs, didn't you, and the side effects could come for you at anytime now. No wonder you are afraid, and you are not handling that well, are you. Lashing out at those who are doing nothing more than looking at the evidence, the real evidence not the made up bullshit peddled by your ilk, is bringing you nothing but the disdain of anyone who becomes aware of you infantile challenge. No one needs or wants your dirty money!

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Why is no one mentioning the role 5G has played in all of this? The way non-ironising radiation causes flu-like symptoms in some people and not others... I have a theory, its called the "Bee Sting Theory". Some people get stung and hardly notice it, while others drop dead on the spot, and there is a sliding scale between the two 'Stings' with every type of reaction imaginable. The same goes for radiation poisoning, a fact we have seen living proof of in survivors of the U.S.A.s nuclear weapons testing in the 40s. I say testing as that is what they were, Japan was beaten but science and politicians wanted to see what these new bombs would actually do to large populations.

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You are a shill for big pharma. You are scum. Vulgar and nasty scum.

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Suggested challenge based on feedback from the mass formation: “No Americans have died from the COVID shots.” This us a quote from a TWTR correspondence with a woman from SA. It is widespread belief because the CDC and FDA (unless I need an update) make this claim. What this means is they (HHS agencies) decline to investigate the fatalities. But many of the MF participants interpret this in a willfully naīve way to support the narrative at all cost. Let’s see if there is a rich one eager to demonstrate this principle.

Communication with the mass formation is like channeling from the after life. Creepy.

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"And how can I punish her so that she doesn’t keep repeating the same thing over and over?"

Seriously? PUNISH? Who's the authoritarian anti-free speech guy here, anyway? What possible harm is she causing by trying to find the truth?

And please don't say "people are dying" because of her search for the truth. People all over the world are dying because they took the needles, believing there really was a novel new deadly virus; telling people they were duped by the needle pushers won't make matters worse.

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Quando Stefan Lanka avrebbe perso in trubunale?

a me risulta invece che Stefan Lanka HA VINTO IN TRIBUNALE.

Sostieni che ha perso ma non hai nessun link da aggiungere per dar prova alle tue parole?

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

Steve perché spendi il tuo tempo con queste STUPIDATE?

Quando potresti incominciare a spendere meglio il tuo tempo leggendo le spiegazioni di Stephan Lanka (che ha vinto in tribunale), il sito Tig (vedi link sotto), e gli altri link sotto.

per capire che:

No i virus non sono MAI stati la causa di nessuna malattia.

Questa verità ora é conosciuta a tanti ed é inutile continuare a sostenere che esistano.

à stata sbugiardata in molti documentari, molte ricerche.

La gallina d'oro del virus é finita, arrampicarsi sugli specchi renderà solo ridicoli.

Consiglio la visione di AIDS_HIV:La Scienza del Panico - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkiQNeSLQOY

La lettura di: The House That AIDS Built, di Liam Scheff https://www.altheal.org/toxicity/house.htm

Più tante informazioni qui: https://tig.org.za/TIGit/indexIt.htm

The Infectious Myth Busted Part 1: The Rosenau Spanish Flu Experiments (1918) https://viroliegy.com/2021/10/03/the-infectious-myth-busted-part-1-the-rosenau-spanish-flu-experiments-1918/

Is Purification of a “Virus” Necessary? Yes. https://viroliegy.com/2022/01/30/is-purification-of-a-virus-necessary-yes/

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I think its a brilliant idea! It will engage and whole bunch of new people who love on line betting and the "side" benefit is that those who still believe the narrative might start waking up!

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Steve - I do not want to repeat the debate I had with Reid Sheftall, and I don't need the money. You may watch the debate at: https://rumble.com/v16ke8v-part-1-norman-talks-to-reid.html.

My point is that any molecular biologist can create infinite numbers of mutations in a virus. The problem is that it is not possible to know in advance which changes in the genome will make a deadlier virus. The Soviet BioPreparat program, and especially its Vektor Institute in Novosibirsk tried to develop biological weapons from the Korean War to early 1990 and failed.

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I'm not a gambler, and this does come off as bullyish. Money can control information, it can control judges. How do you think this scamdemic got off the ground? Billions of tax payer dollars used against us.

Like James Lyons-Weiller said, we literally all need to jump in a lab together and play nice. Mikovits said it's a scholars obligation to follow the facts.

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

Bad idea. I'm not a gambler, but it's easy to see that if I put a straddle of $100 on each side and the odds are 10 to 1 then I'm gonna make $1,000 for my $200 "investment" or bet as you call it, no matter who wins.

Hey sounds good!

Belief isn't something to bet on, rather to question in pursuit of the illusion of "truth" for which most are unprepared. People will die for their beliefs. So what's the point?

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Steve, why do you continue clowning around?

Just answer simple questions.

Yes or No

Have you directly sensed any alleged biological virus by using your sense of sight?

Have you directly sensed any alleged biological virus by using your sense of hearing?

Have you directly sensed any alleged biological virus by using your sense of smell?

Have you directly sensed any alleged biological virus by using your sense of touch?

Have you directly sensed any alleged biological virus by using your sense of taste?

Have you experimented on any alleged biological virus as an independent variable?

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

Did you look into the fraud with the PCR test - as described by Dr Mike Yeadon? He explains how this has been a pseudo-pandemic of false positives. They actually didn't need a virus.

Kevin McKernan can also explain the fraud - @Kevin_McKernan twitter

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This article is completely irrelevant to the central problem we are facing. The issue related to the "vaccine" is not about science. Science went out the window in late 2019. The issue is now the mass murder taking place through 1) denying people tagged as COVID-19 the opportunity to have treatments that will save their lives and 2) giving extremely toxic substances (mislabeled as vaccines) to all segments of the population. Your debate-oriented approach centers on science issues, not on ways to end the mass murder now!

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If I go missing or have some unfortunate "accident" or am reported to have committed suicide, please be sure to share Steve's many hit-pieces on my colleagues and I with the police.

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