Their latest attempt to vaccinate the world.🤮

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Just another "WOKE" corporation. In fact, there are so many now, it is getting hard to keep up with the lists.

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The insanity continues. Stockholm Syndrome.

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My son-in-law works, from home 100% in IT for a Christian Hospital in CA, and was required to be vaccinated in order to keep his job. 😡

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The loonies are definitely running the asylum.

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Ha! Thanks for warning us that you're an irrational psycho who is not worthy of your employees.

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MADNESS. That's insanity and tyranny. That makes no rational sense unless you're a bully, a Nazi, and a control-freak. No thank you.

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I would tell AT&T “ you need me a lot more than I need you”. My skills are transferable while you’ll have to solicit for hire, then in process, then train all while hoping they have a decent work ethic.

Yeah, let’s see who needs who.

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The federal government was the same way. Employees were mandated to get vaccinated even if they were remote or teleworking. It made no sense.

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Absolutely no job is worth your health. Fire me first. If I must get a new job I will make sure the employer is not a woke brainwashed follower & demand to be paid under the table.

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was a check done on the true science?

What references are they based this vac decision


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They're not going to have phone reps for very long, then.

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when I worked for HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM I worked remotely and had zero patient contact and zero employee contact, but was fired, along with 400+ other employees, (what HFHS calls “voluntary resignation”) for not submitting to the injection. I had already been granted exemptions for at least two other vaccines. This was about getting us to BOW and SUBMIT to whatever the government wanted. And this was, as many people pointed out, after we worked faithfully and overtime through the scamdemic, unvaccinated. I don’t tell people anymore that I worked (33 years) in healthcare, I just say I worked customer service. I am too embarrassed and do not want to be associated with the healthcare industry. My license expires in 10 days, and I am going to let it.

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It's so senseless! When I was recently job hunting, there were a significant amount of 100% remote positions that required proof of vaccination. WTF? I turned them down immediately and made them aware of my dislike of that policy. :)

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As a former AT&T employee I can tell you executive level incompetence is only secondary to their massive wokeness. It was a miserable place to work especially the last few years and they do not care. I was already looking to leave before the pandemic started. After the George Floyd murder they took the wokeness up a notch. They had town halls and actually had white employees apologize for their privilege (whatever that is) and publicly promise to do better (whatever that means). I just wanted to get paid for my work and live my life but that was increasingly impossible. It was very much in your face and I saw several lawsuits have been filed for discrimination by former employees. It became very apparent I had no future at the AT&T.

Then the jab mandate hit. The company was about 2 weeks ahead of Biden's announcement. Pretty much killed whatever motivation I had left for working there. If you didn't file for a religious or medical exemption you pretty much lost your ability to sue later for wrongful termination because you didn't follow the EEOC's guidelines. Religious exemptions were granted without much hassle. At the same time the union people openly talked about how the union was so great because they were protected from the mandate. Then the tables got turned and the union folded without a vote by their membership. Reminds me of the saying "first they came for the xxx......" If the union had said shove your mandate and went on strike, I would have walked out with them. But they ceded their leverage without a fight.

One thing I will add is that everyone that wants to file lawsuits you are assuming we have just courts. We don't. The system is corrupt to the core and the system will always act first to protect itself. It scares me to death what might have to happen to get this country right again; if we can.

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My Fortune 500 firm requires the same, for the “good of the community”. We’re also hard selling ESG, too.

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