"Irrefutable Proof of Self Assembly Structures in C19 Shots - Time Lapsed Videos Show Microchip like Structures Assembling and Disassembling - (Updated Video Links)"

Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Shimon Yanowitz and Electrical Engineer Matt Taylor and Dr. Ana Mihalcea.


"Intra-body nano-network"


"What is in the so-called COVID-19 "Vaccines"? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity"


"BOMBSHELL 'Team Enigma Whistleblower'! 'US DoD Plan to Exterminate Population' - Sasha Latypova"


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Has anyone done an analysis comparing the increase in overall death rates to the VAERS data, to see if they agree (when under-reporting is factored in)?

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Is anyone tacking the universities? Harvard has just said if you don't get the booster you can't enroll.

Going to an Ivy League school is now an IQ test.... for stupidity:


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That is the history of a RINO infected GOP, but since Trump has been selecting the candidates based on their record this may change, but Rand Paul and Ron Johnson have said they will do a full investigation of the COVID response if they gain the house and senate after the midterms.

We will see fairly soon if they keep their word.

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Maybe not so well known this side of the Atlantic Ocean but Dr Anne McCluskey is fighting the good fight in Northern Ireland and paying the price as a result. She has been speaking out since April 2020.

This is well worth a listen.


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I would like to think that is the case, but having read their contract I think they even covered lying.

I hope I am wrong and justice is served, but not while we have judges appointed by the DNC.

Recent cases show that they are a weapon of the Left to attack their opponents and those who expose the truth about vaccines and mandates.

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Looks like somebody is experimenting for something in the future..

Dozens of students, staff taken to hospital after falling ill at Northampton County school


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LOL. How convenient LOL.. A lot of coordination there between pRESIDENT Biden, CDC, CMS LOL.. They got their dates lined up nice.. They don't need the EUA anymore they have their Mandates, Childhood vaccine schedule, also known as residual income... EVIL EVIL People... The dates and coordination line up nicely for all concerned.. pHARMACEUTICAL has been feed money and people.. That is FALSIE business model since AZT and AIDS..

Why you may soon have to pay for that COVID-19 test


The Biden administration renewed the public health emergency for 90 days on Oct. 13, but it is expected to be the final extension. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services told providers in August to start preparing for a return to pre-pandemic rules as soon as possible.

Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said they will give the public 60 days notice before lifting the public health emergency, which puts the deadline at Nov. 12.

CDC Panel Votes to Add Covid-19 Vaccine to Recommended Childhood Schedule


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Steve, your support of Ron Johnson is stunning. The man just came out and said he will not commit to accepting the results of the upcoming elections if he loses. Are you really telling me in 2022 the world's largest economy and superpower can't run free and fair elections as it has since it's inception?

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022

It's been several weeks after the new shots at the nursing home an older sister is at. persuaded sister not to get. She always did what the doctors wanted as a result her kidneys were ruined! Dialysis is required.

I am seeing a lack or decline of the limited physical animation at the nursing home, several weeks after many of them got the bi-valent. Of course it could take months for many to die, but nursing home people are survivors.

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Exceptional work, Steve, the very definition of intellectual rigor!

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If you want a break from Covid, you could watch one of these movies - but they all have themes that apply to our New Normal world.

Movies for our Covid times – Sometimes Hollywood gets it right and is even prescient.


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https://youtu.be/bGZJfVR9-wo John Campbell excess deaths continue..

"It's beginning to look a lot like ..." -spacebusters

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With the protections they gave these manufacturers I don't like your chances as they change laws to block any inquiry into their deadly products.

Thanks for trying though.

I would help if the GOP wins control of the house and senate as they have promised to make a case about it if they do.

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Let’s go! Mandates need to be shut down Nationwide. Pushing an approval on bivalent boosters that hasn’t even been fully tested. People are signing up to be lab rats

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