Without an autopsy how is anyone supposed to know whether a death was from Covid, the “vaccine”, or some other cause?

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I have friends who definitely took the vax and the booster. One has undergone surgery for blood clots in the leg, and is being treated for a clot in the lung. The other has had a stroke and continues a month after the stroke, to have seizures. In addition, she has be diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor. The cancer is believed to have started elsewhere (?). Anyway, the seizures have kept her from being able to start cancer treatments. Both people were in great shape prior to jumping on the vax wagon.

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When answering 'yes,' I was thinking of some of your previous polls, Steve. Sorry if I was mistaken...

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I worked at a hospital (40yrs) until Aug. ‘22. When the shots were first rolled out at our place, in Dec. ‘20, they were only offered to frontline healthcare providers and community members over 60 yrs of age. At that time, I figured that the shots may help prevent death for the elderly. I never considered that they would prevent spread or even getting the virus. I wondered why there wasn’t more discussion about the treatments that showed some promise around the world (ivermectin, HCQ, steroids, etc.). Most of my co-workers said that they took the jab for non-health reasons: to be able to travel, visit family, go to restaurants, etc. I declined the shot due to my history of GBS. By mid-Jan.’21, the shots were being pushed for ALL adults; I thought this was strange, so I began doing my own research. I soon realized that these mRNA concoctions were different than previous vaccines AND that the trials were significantly too short to find bad mid-term or long-term side effects. I looked at the original data that enabled Pharma, governments, healthcare, etc., to declare the shots effective as in “safe and effective.” 95% effective was the mantra. But that data was only about getting the virus. It did not look at hospitalization and death. Nevertheless, the sales pitch worked. The fear mongering by the government and most medical professionals had most Americans afraid that getting COVID was a death sentence. Consequently, most Americans were sold on the shots, and then making them mandatory. The alternative treatments had to be suppressed in order to maintain the Emergency Use Authorization so that the shots could continue to dominate. Unfortunately, most Americans were sold on a quick fix that has had debilitating and deadly consequences for too many. Lives matter more than money, but the amount of money spent to maintain the Covid shot narrative is gut-wrenching. I pray that all the people who accepted bribes and pay- offs will repent before they die. Eternity is a very long time.

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I fear there is some conflating of "I know someone who died from the jab" and "I know someone whom I think likely died from the jab" and "I know someone who MAY have died from the jab."

I know 2 people who died and 2 who got strokes that MAY have been caused by the jab. No way of knowing without investigating. The two who lived were definitely jabbed, and I'd say there's a 95% chance the two who died were jabbed, but don't know. In one case, don't want to upset the family by asking. Then you'd have to compare the number of similar profile people who died of, in their cases, ovarian cancer and lung cancer, both pre-jab and post-jab. Then at best you'd have a % likelihood that the jab was the cause, but no certainty.

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I stole the green meme on "Covid 19 can kill you". Posted it with a caption mostly true but CDC is not sorry. They still want to kill you and your children. Lets hope it goes viral.

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Why do you have to go so far? On that apology you think the CDC should publish, why not leave it about the covid vax? You lose a LOT of people when you make it about all vaxxes. You lose credibility. Even if you are correct, it is too far to push people. (and I'm not saying you are correct. But I have adjusted my view towards that conclusion lately.)

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Difficult to know for sure, as for the numbers of the ones that “died from covid” because most cases and deaths attributed to covid are fake pcr covid.

Also, some of us know persons who were killed by the wrong protocols like the $respirators, and/or by not being administered options that save people from the differentiated symptoms called covid, few, and fake pcr covid, or anything else.

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By now, the evidence that these experimental gene therapy shots are NOT safe and effective is overwhelming. Why are live performance theaters in CA requiring proof of vaccination to enter?

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Hope the free subs can comment again soon.

Steve you were one of the good ones letting us comment for free

Guess we will wait it out

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hahaa ha ! very funny at first... but might set you up for target practice

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Hi Steve, please stop referring to the JABS as vaccines. they are not even remotely vaccines.

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Have you or any of your expert colleagues looked at this study? I’m struggling to interpret the findings. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.ade2798

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Comment for your next post, "The most likely scenario is that Damar Hamlin was brain dead on the field", I am not a paid subscriber. I am currently supporting Dr. Simone Gold's underwear model boyfriend and their 3.6 million dollar mansion in Florida:)

So how come everyone else that is injured or dies doesn't get this much attention?

Speaking of "brain dead", how many are still getting the boosters?

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Alex , I think that this vaccine is causing shadow syndrome of immune priming or ADE but in shadow form.

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Bottom line: Pandemic of the mis/untreated and Hospital neglected.

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