
Is there a good way to let the students at U of T know what is going on? Maybe I should write a guest op-ed for the student newspaper there? Advertise in the student newspaper? etc.

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Tough talk:

Aseem Malhotra murdered a lot of people by pushing the injections.

But sure. He's a stellar human being.

Why? Because he pushed people into Exploding Gas Tank Pintos and kept doing so until his father blew up in a bumper car race of Exploding Gas Tank Pintos?

And then decided to go ahead and check on the gas tank as people had been telling him to do for how long?

What Aseem Malhotra did was dishonest.

It should be criminal.

The personal gain was that he got to stay on the television with his fellow Gleaming Talking Heads and feed his ego and go to the party and feel pretty.

He abused his position of power. He abused his authority. For personal gain.

It is not remotely complicated. It is cut and paste corruption.

But you like the guy, so dance on some graves.

And one day if Anthony Fauci sees the lights and denounces his malfeasance in pushing death shots, maybe you will perceive him a stellar human being too?


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Whats the point of the medical education if your not going to use it. I have been the chairman of the Orthopedic department at Loma Linda University and we trained our residents to think for them selves. To fail to do so makes you no more than a technician. Such arrogance to assume a committee of academicians is smarter than everyone else with real world experience is unethical and inexcusable.

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Canada has been radicalized under the current Federal government, the Trudeau government literally turned Canada into Cuba politically.

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Dr. "Law"?

Is that some kind of joke?

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Dear Dr. Young:

Is this really the case? -> "Dr. Law agrees with the CPSO that requiring doctors to follow guidelines is more important than patient outcomes. Law investigates non-compliant physicians and writes them up if they don’t comply. Patient outcomes are irrelevant."

This is a quote from a substack article by Steve Kirsch, that if true, is very disturbing.

For starters, Guidelines are NOT Standards of Practice, they are suggestions. Why is Dr. Law investigating 'non-compliant' physicians? That is not his job.

Please get back to me with some answers to my questions.


Edward Leyton MD FCFP MDPAC(C)

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World Freedom Rallies on May 20, 2023 - https://www.weareready.world/spread-the-word/

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

World Freedom Rallies on May 20, 2023 - https://www.weareready.world/spread-the-word/

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World Freedom Rallies Tomorrow May 20, 2023 - https://www.weareready.world/spread-the-word/

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The sooner the masses wake up, the further the mask (of pretence) will fall. And the further it falls, the more quickly we get to see (and feel) the boot of tyranny on our necks.

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Stanley Milgram ground breaking book 'Obedience to Authority '. In is the explanation of much of what is wrong in the world is a direct result of misplaced respect and reliance on So called Authorities. Charlatans in a white coat. Dr . Law and Dr A. Fauci are descriptive of the typical fraudulent authority figure.

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Nazis come in all races in this timeline it seems. But then did anything happen to the German doctors who euthanized the elderly and disabled? Not even Mengela was punished and he lived to a ripe old age. And the Nazi agenda wasn’t squashed, but imported to America and other countries that could use their skills.

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For these types it has nothing to do with money for those saying to follow the money. I work at U of T. This is all about power, with a major tincture of pure arrogance. I’ve had to deal with these types for thirty years. It ain’t good for the blood pressure! Nobody will ever consider even querying his position on patient outcomes as opposed to random and unscientific CPSO guidelines. They relish crushing honest and caring physicians. Sure, they stop a lot of bad ones too but during COVID, I’m presuming from your article that he’s helped destroy good people’s lives ion several levels; both MDs, and patients and their families!

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Any chance you can look into & do an article on the scripted 2025 pandemic that is set to wipe out 30% of our kids? Dr mercola recently had an email about the latest simulation exercise that gates, wef, John hopkins had on Oct 2022. Just like Covid was scripted years before & event 201 was the coronavirus simulation pandemic., this has been scripted for years. I heard about it in 2020, it was called spars then if I recall & now it’s called seers. It’s a respiratory virus & 30% of our kids are supposed to die. If I’m wrong, then great, if not, someone has to do something 2025 is approaching quickly. Don’t take my word for it, find the info, I think mercolas email was a couple of weeks ago.

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I wonder: if Darwin were alive, would he get these injections? ;-)

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Obedience is doing what you're told regardless of what's right.

Morality is doing what's right regardless of what you're told.

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