Kind words indeed! So full of Truth and Wisdom! Thank you very much, Barbara.

(Sigh) Oh, the compassionate-less, industry of allopathy! How many it has murdered with ruthless heartlessness! Might it be deemed a "runner-up" or possibly the greatest of mass murderers, over those famous in their field: Pol pot, Stalin, and Hitler. Let us not forget to include the one who is the self-acclaimed "Queen, of Babylon" who sits, reigning over the people of earth, claiming to herself the prerogatives of God, calling herself "God". Hundreds of millions have died and been sacrificed under her wicked, Godless, and devious rule. She holds a golden cup in her hand, and is arrayed in purple and scarlet.


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I know you and i havent always seen eye to eye when it comes to whats going on with covid. However, i was wondering if youve seen this?

And what you might think about it..


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How come that way back in 1976, Big Pharma pretended they had a 'vax' cure for Swine Flu? They dictated to the US Government that they would not release it to 'save the public' unless ALL LIABILITY for INJURIES & DEATHS caused by their 'CURE' were 'EXEMPT from LIABILITY' for those companies. After 50 Swine Flu VAX associated US DEATHS, the 'Experiment' was terminated, deemed "TOO DANGEROUS". Big Pharma forgot the 'Immunity' condition was 'TEMPORARY' and continue to enjoy this 'LICENCE to KILL' with impunity. LIABILITY must be reintroduced IMMEDIATELY as MILLIONS have died using this farcical but deadly injected poison. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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Natural amendments, I assume for Lyme would be echinacea, teasel and other homeopathic remedies.

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I was on the Live Zoom and was disappointed that there was very little discussion on the actual Long Covid as it was promoted.

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When Musk gets conrol of Twitter, he just might open up a forum so huge, it will blow the socks off the covid scam. And if the covid scam is exposed to the public, the democrats are in for big trouble. However, Trump is also in trouble, he is the guy who promoted the warp-speed covid kill shot. Biden is the guy who locked down the country and forced the poison into the arms of two hundred million people. Alex Jones has advised Trump to repudiate the vaccinators and announce that he was scammed. Trump maintains his absurd position that the vaccines are good science. I think Alex Jones and Alex Berenson are right, if Musk does what I think he is going to do, Biden, Fauci and Trump and their friends may be criminally prosecuted for the worst crime against humanity in history. The trial will make the OJ trial look like nap time in kindergarden.

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Steve, not everyone likes Smart Phones and apps. I for one have switched to stupid phone.

I'd like to thank you for giving me and similar followers the opportunity to go to Rumble.

Other content-providers, and I'm not naming them, simply assume that everyone is going to have an app to listen to their podcast. If not, crickets. I retaliate by un-subscribing.

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This worldwide "VAXX" fiasco may never existed, if our Congress had not passed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. It took away all the vaccine manufacturer's responsibilty for its products that were creating injuries and deaths in the 1980s. This industry faced many multi-million dollar lawsuits for the havoc its products caused...and it was let off the hook. This industry would not have existed, if lobbyists had not passed along perks to congressmen; getting them to along with a industry that was marketing defective and deadly products.

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There's an error with the Zoom link.

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Bombshell Emails: CDC Pressured FDA to Authorize COVID Boosters Without Clinical Trials

Walensky volunteered to be the 9th mouse!


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Looking forward greatly to hearing Dr. Cadegiani speak! He has worked so hard on his research studies to prove IVM as a great prophylactic against Covid-19. Did you know that IVM can improve kidney and liver functions? I learned that from him...very important!

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Dr. Cadegiani looks like he should be in pre-med rather than a PhD researcher. Good for him. And good for the world to have some bright young physicians not drinking the Kool-aide.

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Steve, you have my utmost respect for all your work.

Please, advise me what difference all this conferencing can/might make. Sorry, I can't see any...

If leaders are indispensible, who should lead?


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I have heard from different experts that the spike protein can circulate from either 4 to 18 months. I want to know if the circulation date could correspond to the end of vaxx shedding. One expert said the shedding will end when people stop taking the clot shot a few years from now. Do either of you have any data as to when shedding could end after the clot shot is taken?

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 EU Tyranny – Neo Feudal Transhumanism in Action:

Video: The COVID Vaccine Gigantic Lie. “The Cat Is Out of the Bag.” Christine Anderson


The Global Predators are still loading their guns as said in the above 7minute video.

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