Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023Pinned

To add to my earlier comment, a much more notable issue: in the raw data file it seems that Indiana was the state with the most deaths (14% of all the deaths!)- this can't be right. And how can Florida have only about half the deaths of Georgia, when FL is twice as large population-wise and has a more elderly-skewing population? Can anyone confirm or deny what I found in the dataset? I absolutely believe the vaccines are causing excess deaths, but have a hard time believing this dataset is accurate.

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GREAT ARTICLE STEVE! On slide 29, there is a typo for Temporal Health Vaccinnee Effect (HVE) , did you mean to state Health Vaccination Effect?

Also, anyway to include massive increases in heart attacks, deaths from heart attacks by age groups, especially to show that 7 year old boys having a serious heart attack (after getting the covid vaccines) is NOT NORMAL ?


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The Medicare link is broken

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To really see the difference, show people the trend prior to covid.

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Look at Trinidad & Tobago data. Island nation. Closed all access through ports and airports due to the pandemic. It's a poor country so they got the vax later (=couldn't pay enough) than others. They started vaxxing in April 2021. Until then there was hardly any Covid deaths in the country. But right after the vaxxing started a huge spike.

n.b. I've only looked at the worldodometer data for this. I don't have the official figures,

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You should've led with the flu and pneumococcal charts. Would've been far less confusing.

I read the whole thing as best I could, but it's very difficult because you explain it as if it's "obvious", when it is in fact not. Taken with a grain of salt, what you're saying seems to make some sense. However, I suggest revamping how you distill this information down for the public.

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All that is happening was planed long ago, proof? here:


Go to minute 15, you'll understand everything. Then watch the whole video (is from 2010), much more to come.

On other hand, the whole operation has been exposed, and the military complex is in, this is a controlled genocide, provably they justified it for the good of the planet.



Here is all you need to know, to start this investigation.

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The bottom line is this:

When there is no data transparency, there is a high chance that the government is lying to you.

After all, if the data supported their narrative, they’d be tripping all over themselves to release the data. When it doesn’t support the narrative, they simply never talk about it and pretend it doesn’t exist and tell the press never to ask about it.

I put that in quotes, now substitute the topic of vaccines and 2020 election. If the data supported the "big lie" narrative THEN, they would be tripping over themselves : never delaying, obstructing, and fighting the access and litigation of audits, canvassing, and upholding of election law. They (dems) would gladly comply to all election inquires proving JB won fair and square.

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⚠️No contagion, no virus, and thus ALL 'vaccines' are only harmful injections. ⚠️

The is no evidence that even 1 contagious disease is contagious. Never happened in al the experiment which have been done.

I know and have been saying this for almost 3 years now.

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Yes sir, you know I'm with that MCR whistleblower!

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Steve, I like your stuff... I have been taking Ivermectin every 2 weeks for 7 months... I also regularly take K2/Mk-7... please comment on this alarming video:


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I followed the science and could not find it I followed the money and found science!

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Thanks for all your work, Steve(and whoever else that is helping). This veteran of a foreign war was very glad to go downrange for you fine Americans trying to find the truth.

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While I love the "Truth is like a lion" quote and have used it often, I recently realized that it’s not entirely true. I think it’s more accurate to say - “The Truth only becomes a guiding light when it’s perceived by those willing to risk everything to let shine brightly for all to see.”

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