That was great. Am sharing and hoping it's not censored by FB.

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I feel like we need to be doing a better job of drawing the parallels between what has occurred today at the FDA, and what occurred prior to the OPIOID Epidemic, because it's exactly the same corruption. Almost everybody today has been touched by the opioid epidemic, and most recognize that it all began with incorrect labeling of a drug, coupled with really great, yet, false advertising i.e lies by pharma. However, many do not see that the same practices are happening right now with these shots.... We need to do a better job of educating people on FDA/CDC practices, the "honor system", and the revolving door from regulator to paid pharma exec, and back again.

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When are you going on The HighWire? I’m sure Del would love to interview you.

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Gardasil put vaccine injury on my radar.. criminal corruption in the most horrific way. No jab for me not even for Jeff Bezos fortune. Opposition to both vax and mandates is enormous. The greatest propaganda operation of all time before out eyes and more see it every day.


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I watched this today. Yesterday I watched people representing EU countries discussing the discrimination of vaccine passports.

I pray that all of this can be stopped by the masses or else we will be miserable.

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