Just as I thought. This was nothing more than hot air designed to impress your minions. A publicity stunt.

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Well Steve, this is not an amount of money throwing at it problem. Now that you have woken up to pharmaceutical/medical side industrial complex (which I realized in April of 2020), if you down the rabbit hole more and more, then will realize that at the level this whole thing/agenda is being orchestrated where Anthony Faucis of the world are just lieutenants of the system and order followers of their owners/agenda. As you go higher & higher pharmaceutical/vaccines are just one branch and tool in the tool box and many things are interconnected. The same system/group that would take your friend RFK JR’s father & uncle out at that level are behind this as well. Many people who are awake (not hypnotised anymore) have been predicting this. So guess its time to start believing in the conspiracy theories which are more facts than theories. Understanding why Tanzania’s president Magafulli (among others) would suddenly die after being vocal about Vaccine agenda,etc… would provide some hints to your question why “how much money offer” is not the question to ponder, but why no one would entertain it. First, they know they will loose and they know their life/career/reputation will be taken out. So, how much money is needed may not be the question to the problem you are targeting now. Just my opinion and views at this very point of my waking life?


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So you sent an email to yourself? The image you posted as the email you claim to have sent is addressed to yourself. WTF?

And correct me if I’m wrong but above it says:

“Peter McCullough told America on Joe Rogan that I was willing to offer ANYONE $2M just to talk to me.” [emphasis added] and, “ You’d think I’d have been flooded with requests.

Nope. No such luck. I’m lonelier than the Maytag repairman. WTF is going on here?!?!”

Well Steve, I’m “anyone” and I’d be glad to keep you company one afternoon for a debate. Or is your offer to debate “anyone” no longer valid since “anyone” showed up?

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Oh wow Steve, you're on fire 🔥 🔥🔥🔥

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Thank you!....your musings had me laughing ...something I've rarely done over the last 2 years....it felt good to laugh. Just shows you the absurdity of their narrative. A friend of mine who is on disability said she'd debate you and it woukd be a Public trouncing. We both laughed over that silly plan. 🤣 Love your writing and truth telling. I look forward to your email every day!

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Seriously just offer them 100 million each, and have a twitter poll to see who won and give the winner any properties you own. If they still dont turn up then call them brain damaged and tell them you will never talk to them again.

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I’ll accept your challenge. I will debate you. Put the money is escrow, let’s agree on the format, the date, and the topics of debate. Let’s sign contracts.

You wanted a man of science to take you on. Well, here I am. Put up or shut up.

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But they are denying and censoring all of us. Hard to change the tide if you can't even see the water.

Steve you are not allowed to debate with logic or science, that's not fair. They've never done that before, the left is about feelings, what they feeeel at any given time. That's why we have a never ending saga. "Don't hurt their feelings" with your cold hard science, or you could get the lash...

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The news won’t be able to deny what is happening in politics. We may have to rely on (brave) politicians to do the debates, court ordered, and publicly, with your support of information and questions that will greatly shift the tide.

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Dec 19, 2021·edited Dec 19, 2021


David Martin says that he already gave Rand Paul and other people in power enough information to put Fauci behind bars, and yet Rand only went so far as to call him a lier.

Perhaps all politicians are being controlled by something that really scares them… I believe that many, like Rand, is trying to go as far as he can (safely) go.

For the pharmaceutical companies, the central banks, and the tracking systems who will have the control over all people once the social control system through QR codes (and, like starting in Sweden, implanted microchips),billions and trillions are at stake.

That kind of money can but you a lot of influence and power. We can probably not even imagine what kind of threats these cartels can make to senators and governors.

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Is it possible to get a court order interview with a person of your choice on account of holding people responsible for the safety in regards to any recommendation or mandate?

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What's the deal with the 100m offer and then back down to 18m after that? What am i missing...? Lol

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Steve Kirsch

Last week I got in an argument with a friend at a basketball game where he called me a f'ing 2nd grader. I told him I wasn't wearing a mask, so couldn't be in elementary school... loved my zinger, hate this happened.

But he is a lawyer and argues in court. On a smaller level than you, I challenged him to a debate (I don't know rules in a courtroom/case law) so offered in front of our common group. A) never heard from him since, and 2) Because of Kirsh, Malone, Keheriarty, et al, I think they'd have to scrape the floors with his remains if we did this.

However, everyone reading this is in the same boat as me...we are 'only in the echo chamber' or 'are flat earthers' because of how this has been going globally.

My wife asked me to go to a counselor because I'm angry/upset/depressed my company may impose a mandate/everyone else in that situation. Sent me to a communist. He wouldn't engage, either. Just said I needed to decide jab or job. I think we are <10% of the world. Truly oppressed by the masses. Sad times.

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Steve Kirsch

I was just thinking "I wonder how they sleep at night knowing what they know." But then it dawned on me. As pharma's lap dogs, I'm sure their medicine cabinets are stocked with every mind and conscience numbing drug on the market.... Sleeping pills, anxiety meds, etc., pharma has them covered.

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Dec 19, 2021Liked by Steve Kirsch

Steve, lets frame the issue this way, If Fauci was so willing to kill at 500,000- 600,000 people, then what pertinence is money? He doesn't do anything for money that he doesn't need or want. He's got the President, the media sucking his lollipop.

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I keep laughing my ass off every time I read about Steve’s offers. No one out there has the balls to sit down face to face and defend their idiotic mandates and “scientific information” (facts😂🤣). Steve would cream them.

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