Thank you Steve and RFK, Jr. for fighting the good fight. As Buddha once said, three things can not long remain hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."

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As someone who experienced neurological problems in childhood that, in retrospect, could only have been caused by Mercury from medical sources, I am very happy to see this issue brought to light. My friend, Andrew Cutler (the developer of ALA chelation therapy to remove Mercury from the brain) told me about this Simpsonwood meeting and how they made it difficult for people to get the transcripts of it through the FOIA.

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Of course the Wikipedia entry makes it a point to trash RFK's seminal article...

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My eyes were opened when I saw the current CDC vaccine schedule for kids and compared it to what my kids had in the early 80’s. It is patently insane. I never would have looked at it if not for the propaganda around the current gene therapy injections

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The parents questioning the vaccine safety and the connection to autism have been dismissed as nutters. After this disaster of the covid vaccine deaths and disabilities, I've taken a hard second look. I'm now of a different mind. I think it's quite likely modern vaccines are affecting children because they're not the vaccines I took as a child back several decades ago.

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A very brief but accurate coverage of the problem.

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Those of us who have worked in special Ed for decades know the truth. It's heartbreaking to hear the parents' stories and to know there is no legal recourse for them to get financial compensation for their children's injuries.

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I actually agree.

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Thank you for your passion and determination to educating the public how greed and evil are controlling the institutions we've been taught to trust in looking out for our safety. I'll share wherever possible. ✌🏽

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Dec 25, 2021·edited Dec 27, 2021

I'm not sure what the real truth is regarding vaccinations, but I do have my own ideas about the legality and morality of forced vaccinations. That said, I am happy to see that somewhere, someone is acknowledging that it didn't begin with right-wing conservatives.

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"People imagine that power is getting people to obey your orders.

True power is getting people to tell themselves the lies you want them to believe."

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This is a good post by Steve. Mandated vaccine interventions in healthy people are a violation of the Hippocratic Oath. No disease has been eradicated by vaccines (yes, not even smallpox, or polio).

The better vaccines have potential to provide some immune training, but this must be weighed against the harms and risks, particularly those posed by the ajuvants.

Don't mix-up issues. The 'viruses do not exist' crowd consists entirely of people ignorant of molecular biology.

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It is standard operating procedure for big pharma to hide and bury all the bad news about every drug, vaccine and mRNA injection they willfully market to the public as being safe. And they are backed up by the arrogant slaves to pharma in the FDA and CDC. I will never trust any pharma product and that includes baby aspirin.

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While I don't agree with his politics, his book The Real Anthony Fauci uncovers the lies and deceit of the self appointed God of Big Pharma and useless expensive vaccines. Fauci has been killing people for many years while becoming a multi-millionaire by coercing FDA and CDC to approve his deadly vaccines.

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RFK Jr is not an idiot like most.

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Steve, "you can't handle the truth".

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