May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

CA state University schools are requiring everyone have the booster to go there. That means 3 shots.

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We looked out of state only for college because of this. We only looked at schools that were not pushing the Covid mandates. We would pull our younger child out of private school immediately if they managed to push a mandate through for K-12 and we have told the school that. I worry about my niece and nephews. They are following all mandates. Their mother is a doctor and believes everything that comes from the "official" channels. My kids are the control group and her kids will be the experiment. So far the people in my immediate circle only felt ill after the shots, but haven't had obvious long term effects. I have a very small circle. Out of our area I have an Aunt who died within 6 months from acute leukemia (no signs of illness prior to the shots) and her daughter also became very ill from the shots for quite awhile. If they have hidden damage the next 5 years could be full of a lot of funerals. If I have a say I will insist on an independent autopsy. That would be a good article. "How to get an independent autopsy with results you can trust?" That way we could all start contributing to the data as the authorities have actively been avoiding autopsies.

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California Goes Full Jonestown.....The California Senate passed SB 866 today. The bill would allow children, down to the age of 12, to get a Covid-19 vaccine without parental knowledge or consent. The author of the bill says it’s not that big a deal:


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As promised yesterday, Part 2 of my “deep thoughts” on Covid Covid “narratives,” conventional wisdom that is false or dubious and ends up justifying policies that control the lives of virtually every world inhabitant …

How does one really change/correct even one bogus and harmful narrative? Is this even possible?

Hope hasn’t been extinguished yet. It’s possible. However, when the entire system is staffed with people who have massive incentives to to protect fraudulent narratives, this is probably not likely.

The best strategy might be to try to harpoon one bogus narrative. The thought here being that if the masses belatedly realized that their “trusted” authorities had told a giant whopper about A, the same people might realize that these infallible experts might have also told a whopper about B, C, D … and Z. (This example also tells us how important it is to the Bad Guys to not be exposed for any lie).

There’s nothing the world can do about all the “lockdown” lies since the lockdowns are already largely over (although exposing this fraud would, one assumes, go a long way to preventing future “insane” lockdowns).

However, if the mantra that the vaccines are “safe and effective” was somehow exposed as a lie, one of the most formidable narratives in our lifetimes would instantly crumble.

In a just world, proving this would be easy. But when the Powers that Be control the key narratives, debunking bogus narratives is almost impossible. For starters, the narrative wouldn’t have become the narrative if, say, 200 million Americans didn’t already believe it.

Key question: Can the effects of 20 months of incessant brain-washing or propaganda evaporate in, say, a few days?

Is the co-worker, acquaintance or even family member who shamed me as an “anti-vaxxer,” a selfish individual who was putting the lives of her grandmother or children at risk, really going to say, “Ah, my bad. I apologize for that, Bill.”

It’s also not difficult to identify other details that would flow from such a narrative-destroying epiphany.

Public health officials now viewed as savior and saints might instantly be viewed as mass-murderers who perpetrated “crimes against humanity.” This would be quite the change in one’s point of view.

And we’re not just talking about the Anthony Fauci’s of the world; we’re talking about all the public officials who spent two years spouting the same lines as the man who (in a just world) might soon be on trial at Nuremberg 2.0 Trials.

This would include an icon of many Republicans, Donald Trump, who considers his “warp speed” vaccination roll-out one of the signature events of his administration … as well as the man who defeated Trump, Joe Biden.

This would include almost every governor and mayor in the country, plus the superintendents of education and college presidents many citizens admire and respect.

Name a CEO of a major company and you have just named someone who accepted Covid falsehoods as truths, and who probably compelled their employees to get a shot that was not effective and could kill or seriously harm said employees (and has probably already killed tens of thousands of Americans).

if they were decent and big enough, every leader of every size-able organization in the world would apologize for getting such a huge issue … terribly wrong.

As one can see from these examples, the exposure of one giant “bogus narrative” entails a level of mea culpas that has never happened in world history.

This said, just because some event lacks precedent doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen. Still, I believe this thought exercise shows that it is highly unlikely a “true accounting” of Covid issues will occur … at least in our lifetimes.

The time to challenge false or dubious narratives is when they are first being promulgated, before they are established as infallible truths. After this, too many people and organizations are too invested to admit they may have bought into a giant lie.

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This is 100% going to be used to forcefully vaccinate children at school when their parents are not around and many will be seriously injured as a result. That's the playbook they are operating off of, it's happened in other places (with Gardasil in a few places such as the UK), and with COVID-19 (for example in a mass vaccination for children in Austrialia). It is also entirely consistent with what Pan has spent the last 7 years doing.

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Steve, how about paying $$ for admissible EVIDENCE proving it is a mathematical impossibility vaccines are NOT the cause of over 90% of the health problems suffered by Americans today???? Nobody will EVER collect on your challenge, but your challenge ONLY seeks to obtain evidence that vaccines are good. What about proving what vaccines are REALLY doing for "public health" and supporting efforts to STOP this madness? It is not time to go on the OFFENSE in this war?

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If I may use one post to take a walk on the Deep Side ….

Contrarian pundit Caitlin Johnstone pounds home one theme in her writings: Those who control the narrative control the world. Former Washington Post columnist Robert J. Samuelson wrote a book titled “Untruth: How Conventional Wisdom is Almost Always Wrong.”

These observations, both dead-on, come to mind with just about every issue I think about today; Covid issues being at the top of this list.

My take-away: “My side” does NOT control the important narratives (aka “conventional wisdom”) …. and almost all of these narratives are wrong.

In recent years I’ve spent a good bit of time brainstorming about ways to to wrestle control from people and institutions who do control the world, people who in fact are ruining the world.

It seems to me that to accomplish this vital goal one would first have to demonstrate that the narratives that allow such people to control the world are wrong. One would need to show that their authority is largely based on fraudulent predicates, that their power emanates from corruption.

Things wouldn’t seem so bleak if only one or two narratives were wrong and dangerous …. or if only one or two important institutions were corrupt …. But almost all narratives the public accepts as truthful are dubious, and virtually every institution prospers from deceit.

I’ve come to believe that the reason life-changing solutions never occur is because the people who could change things are the same people who benefit from a Status Quo built on a foundation of lies. That is, those who benefit from Bogus Narratives are not going to volunteer to change them.

Things are further complicated by the fact that bogus or dubious narratives are widely accepted as truths …. by the masses. As it turns out, the worst among us were too good at converting lies into truths.

The riddle emanating from my little syllogism involves how one might change this sorry state of affairs. Two possibilities occur to me, one of which Steve Kirsch is trying to exploit.

The first solution would be to show the public that at least one (or two, or three or four) of these allegedly true narratives are BS. Steve (and other brave “truth warriors” or “dissidents”) are employing evidence, logic, persuasion, examples, etc. in an effort to debunk false narratives.

If nothing else, Steve’s dispatches have proven that the protectors of faux narratives will NOT engage in any genuine debates designed to ascertain the truth. While Team Steve is champing at the bit to debate, the other side hides or “declines comment” - quite the “tell” for the neutral person trying to decide which side is more credible.

Steve’s research and reporting have also also armed his allies with hard facts, specific bits of information that should matter in any authentic search for the truth.

Alas, worthy projects such as this hardly matter in an “information battle” where one side hangs out at Substack sites or at increasingly-censored alternative media sites, and the other side … controls the whole freakin’ narrative.

You can have all the truth in the library on your side, but if 85 percent of the world isn’t seeing it, your side is not going to prevail in any debate. And you certainly will not prevail if the other side doesn’t even have to debate (because debates are unbecoming in real science and real journalism, plus the long-shot challenger has already been tried and convicted of the crime of spreading misinformation).

A wit once famously observed, “Never argue with a man who buys his ink by the barrel.” This means never argue with the guy who owns the printing press.

Probably everyone who posts at this site is “arguing” with people who might as well own the printing press. In a nutshell, all our great, compelling and persuasive arguments simply aren’t being published in the Big Press … nor are they likely to be published there in the future.

A thought exercise might better illustrate this point. Think about every important Covid dispatch Steve Kirsch has published in the last year. Now assume that these articles had also been published, but in even more detail, on the front page of The New York Times.

If this was the case, yesterday’s accepted truths would probably be today’s debunked myths. This would be more likely to be the case as dozens of “news” organizations take their lead from the Times’ coverage. If The Times allowed its investigators to tackle previously taboo topics, such topics would suddenly become “fair game” in mainstream newsrooms around the country.

Alas, we KNOW the New York Times’ cracker-jack investigative reporters are NOT going to cover any of these topics. We know this because if they were …. they already would have.

A “known knowable” with the mainstream press is that its members are NOT going to do any reporting on any topic that might debunk any important and bogus “narrative.”

Few of us probably realized it at the time it happened, but when the Establishment (Deep State, Powers that Be, Big Government and its many cronies and sycophants) completely captured Big Press, they really captured all the important “Narratives” … which, read above, means they effectively took control of the whole world.

True, “truth bombs” still detonate in the hinterlands of mass communication, but these insignificant dud grenades don’t really scare Darth Vader sitting in command center in the impenetrable Death Star.

The Bad Guys have the most important bottom line on their side of the ledger. As long as they continue to own the mainstream printing press, none of the litany of bogus narratives is ever going to be exposed. And, as long as these frauds and crimes remain unexposed, the Powers that Be will retain their stupendous power.

*** To come - Part 2 with a few specific examples ****

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May 11, 2022·edited May 11, 2022

Margaret Anna Alice@ Through the Looking Glass sent me this post.

I don't have these problems.

Someone got to me when I was four.


Self-help for the brainwashed:


Letter to the Mentacided:

A 12 Step Recovery Program.

EVERYTHING that I was ever taught about this is in this article.

Immunized me against this COVID scam, and many others before it.

I believe that this information will be of value to those who need it and want it.

Pass it around.

This information is more precious than gold.

Ignorance is unnecessary.


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Steve, your offers of financial rewards for open debate are commendable. They help people to see that there is no actual information to support masking or vaccinating against "COVID". However, do you also consider making gifts to people who are standing up but may need a way out of the "system". For example, are there people in your California county who might stand up against the "health official" imposing tyranny if they had the backing to focus on the battle full time? I would think that in California you would have many options to support people interested in taking up this fight, like those two candidates for office you recently highlighted. Of course, I realize you are probably making such gifts behind the scenes. It just seems to me now that the wicked people imposing the tyranny will not listen and its time to put the resources towards folks who will.

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What's up with these incessant attempts from the left to circumvent parental control, from vaccination to deviant sexual education in schools to gender affirmation "treatments"?

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"This bill allows minors aged 12 and older to consent to a vaccination that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration..." No approved Covid injectable products are available in the United States. Comirnaty was approved last August, but the product that is being administered in the US continues to be the Emergency Use Authorized version. Comirnaty is still not available in the US. It appears no approved Moderna products are available either.


FDA-approved products would allow claims to be filed under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. This means the government could be liable for compensation if people are injured by approved Covid injectable products. Emergency Use Authorized products provide complete financial immunity for the makers of the product. Neither the government or the vaccine makers stand to benefit if the FDA-approved products are made available in the United States.

The fools pushing this bill probably don't even know the difference between FDA-approved and Emergency Use Authorization, so it probably doesn't matter. They will use this poorly written piece of legislation to justify giving kids the experimental Covid medical products anyway. It also gives kids the ability to consent to any other FDA-approved injectable products that someone might want to offer them.

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May 10, 2022·edited May 10, 2022

You can track how senators are voting on bill SB 866 in the legislative committees by going to LegiScan at https://legiscan.com/ and doing a search at the bottom of the page. If you need help I wrote detailed instructions in a substack article at: https://tipon.substack.com/p/are-your-state-representatives-voting

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SB 866 Analysis: https://trackbill.com/s3/bills/CA/2021/SB/866/analyses/senate-judiciary.pdf

"Support: 2 Individuals.

Opposition: Approximately 3,100 Individuals."

Even with those striking numbers (as well as the 5/05 hearing's witnesses and call-ins, which were overwhelmingly in Opposition), the bill sailed right through the Committee (7 YES votes--all Democrats).

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I believe Dr Pan just simply has an axe to grind with the anti-vaccine community. This is not about science or data. Its about control and hitting back.

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