This song should accompany the Spacebusters video too! :)


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Sorry for all the mistakes, I will hit better next time

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Germany, NRW: Heart attacks and deseases, from 5 vaxxed 3 have really cruel illnesses only in our house, the brother of one of them also died suddenly. They heard a noise from the terrasse as if something has fallen down, it was him, his heart was completely destroyed. But even if you ASK them WHY they suddenly all have cardiac attacks and weaknesses, they say, well that´s normal in our age. Maybe this IS normal, but not all of them in a few months! My little brióther got depressive and does not take the third shot. Anyway, they want to make it a ruel at the beginning of the next year. People are on the streets in masses, police hits the most harmless ones cruedly down. The KZs will be known as QZs, and I will be one of the first taken there, because I never got one shot, made one test, have worn a mask. I just said no. And it were hard years to do so. Is it possible to get asyl as German anywhere? I hope so, we have to leave. Really. We are now in a time again we wre 80 years ago and I am on the worng side of heaven. They already got the children between 5 and 12 years. In the next weeks we have the first five years old children with heart attacks, and nothing is gonna stop them.

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I'm not sure if anyone else posted this already, but hopefully the genocide will be noticed and appropriately addressed in the International Criminal Court: https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/gates-fauci-and-daszak-charged-with-genocide-in-court-filing/article_76c6081c-61b8-11ec-ae59-7718e6d063ed.html

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Bravissimo! It is the truth, and a lot of people can't handle it. Many can't believe that the government would be perpetrating a fraud on billions of people and sincerely believe they can get away with it. It clashes too much with their world view. I can point to CDC data that shows that the dread virus poses almost no risk of serious illness and death to children and young adults and I get denounced as an evil liar and conspiracy theorist who should be punished. Lots of people believe that the government's narrative is a true narrative, but it is contrary to reality on so many levels that the best oiled propaganda machine and an army of censors is struggling to stay in control of the narrative and manufacture consent for lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates and passports. The attenuation of covid 19 with the advent of the Omicron Variant is bad news for Fauci worshippers. Covid 19 is becoming a variant of the common cold. A majority of people are likely to arrive at the conclusion that stepping up the level of coercion to vaccinate the entire population under the circumstances is criminally insane.

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Very dark and unfortunately, very true. But what's with all of the anti-Jewish hatred and praise of Hitler in most of the comments under the video?? Most of the Spacebuster fans seem to think that Jews created Covid and the killer vaccines? What am I missing?

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Unfortunately the masses who see any of these reports will believe what they're told, only if it fits the narrative. Remember "No disinformation allowed." No opinions allowed, no science allowed, no common sense allowed either. Common sense disappeared from view, and our vocabulary a very long time ago.

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I've actually heard it said a few months ago on MSM that there are no deaths from the jab. I don't know if they're still saying that.

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The video has a delightful mainstream feeling to it, like I can send it to brainwashed friends under the guise of sharing a joke.

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what a sick world we live in... surely not an original comment. what is wrong with people???

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Okay that is just sick, twisted, vulgar, abusive and vile ...

And funny as hell. I laughed so hard. Dos that make me a bad person? LOL.

They really put a lot of creative effort into it.

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While there is no precedent, factual or legal, for mass murder on a scale such as is occurring or might, God forbid, materialize, I would respectfully propose, just to be precise going forward, instead of genocide, the term humanicide. (See such under Wiktionary.)

It's nothing personal (against this people or that nation, that genocide demonstrates); it's just the intentional, filthiest possible business of blood-moneymaking aimed at wiping out a majority of the class of things called human beings, but SLOWLY and insidiously enough to evade immediate and conclusive, worldwide condemnation.

If, however, the CCP is a principal puppeteer of the instruments of the slow mass murder of non-Chinese (if you will, nosino) humans, now that's a game changer. That wouldn't be very Christmasy at all, to put it nicely, and could be seen clearly as genocide -- of all nosino people, a "we vs they" -- on the largest, most frightening scale imaginable.

Anyway, as it's beginning to look a lot like some type of relatively single-minded-and-missioned, multi-demonic operation, in that people from all faiths and most nations are dropping from blocked, V-fib-experienced, stopped and stilled hearts, we do have a lot of killing going on, either way -- and the murderers, immediate and proximate alike, are still acting with impunity.

Just as the fish rots, starting at its head, so it is that "Something is rotten in the State of Denmark," and not Denmark generally, on its own. Thus, WHO exactly are the puppeteers? We're pretty familiar with the puppets, whose strings are being pulled and who believe themselves to be our indefinite fate-holders.

We'll see about that.

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These films fits to my thinking this morning concerning the insane use of mRNA vaccines, I recalled the film "Doctor Strangelove", and besides wise words known before the Tchernobil atomic reactor catastophe, the vise words "If anything can go wrong, it will".

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Crimes against humanity, but instead of stopping those dangerous jabs, who arent even preventing transmission or infection, some adminstrations want even force their citizens to take that poison, like in Austria and Germany. Awful!

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Now why do people say that when politicians get jabbed live on TV they use only saline solution? You people are so cynical!

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