Signatures? Is there somewhere we can sign that I missed?

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Suddenly your substack alerts stopped coming into my inbox on AOL. wtf?

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As long as resignation does not obviate prosecution, I'm on board!!!

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I clicked yes but nothing happened.

Did I do it incorrectly?

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If we had fair elections and could vote on her position, we would vote her OUT.

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Just resign? How about a public hanging along with the rest of the cronies...

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Dr. Walensky hasn't been so vocal now ever since Der korrupte Anführer Fauci has retired into the shadows, along with Obama and the mistral troop of Marxists. Dementia Joe continues to be controlled by these Anti-American Islamic Communists and, is exactly how Obama's third term is playing out...

2017 Der korrupte Anführer Fauci predicted a Pandemic under President Trumps Admin... Fauci and Walensky supporters have now gone as far as to make statements such as, well he did but he didn't predict COVID-19... OK then, if he had that would make him criminally culpable I believe.

Fauci slipped and informed the world as to how AIDs was introduced into the gay lifestyle and community and has yet to be challenged or investigated. Monkeys are always the go to demon... He and others look at the population as parasites on their playground to do with what he and other psychopaths wish.

Time to break the crown...

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I have to point this out again...almost all of these unelected bureaucrats are all Zionists, and they are all looking out for each other and they all have a hive mind end game they are trying to achieve. Fauci is still employed, not only receiving his regular pay, but also has Marshall service protection at a million a month at our expense. I don't know how we are going to defeat these entities, but they aren't taking their foot off the accelerater, and they have declared war on us several times. Look no further than the Zionist led state of Minnesota and look what they have done in the 3 weeks they've had control. And their crimes run deep! Calling attention to their agenda and end game is a start, but with so much opposition and lies, it's incredibly difficult to make people aware! Let's keep fighting the good fight and pray we can wake people up before it's too late!

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Walensky is doubtless an acolyte of Fauci, and may claim the 'I was only following orders' excuse. That should guarantee jail time, or hanging.

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Good, go after Grace Lee, too! Criminal.

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My understanding is that she fled the country to Belgium as she knows there is a price on her head! The white hats already are persuading her!

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It would do her well to remember Nicolae Ceausescu and what happened to him. This will all go kinetic eventually if the leftist agenda, WEF and CCP drivers are not stopped.

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How were doctors coerced? 20% bonus does wonders to reduce resistance.


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This woman is a doctor?!?!

Sounds like the Labour politicians in Cambridgeshire I've being trying to call to account for not tackling our Tory government to withdraw the vaccine and acknowledge the vaccine-damaged Dr Jo East Anglia

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she should be prosecuted, accessory to murder or conspiracy to murder.

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