Did you receive any responses from the billboards. I liked them.The 2nd one could have been shorter, as it' hard to read too many words when driving 70 - 80 mph.

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We need billboards in front of college entrances to say THEY'RE NOT VACCINES.

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My God! The stench of corruption there must be suffocating. No wonder they think masks are a good idea!

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Can't wait to see these...looks like they are down the street from my office. Thank you.

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Hello Anne, Managing your own health nowadays is quite complex, as you have found out. I assume you are in the US (I used to live in northern California), and I can recommend the Weston A. Price Foundaton, a non-profit, if you want to mdeet like minded people and learn more about health and nutrition. They have local chapters all over the US and Europe. Their website is www.westonaprice.org. I've been a member for nearly 20 years now - they do good work (in spite of what Wikipedia says). I don't know whether these posts go out to everyone or just to you - I intend this post for you only. I send my very best wishes for you to find the support you need. xxx

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What exactly is the CDC url you are referring to Steve?

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Hey everybody, a whole bunch of little paper billboards can do the same thing. Make your own! Make up some good sayings. maybe include graphics. Find your favorite websites, make up flyers and hand them out.

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I closed my eyes, buried my head and started laughing. Seeing bill board #1 just makes me feel good inside. To see the blatant sht that is usually done for evil (bill boards, public ads) being used, instead, to say the truth! Finally!

Now, if you really wanna do some damage, next time, Make the website bigger and don't just include it, direct them to it. "Go to:" "See:" "Please go to:" "SEE VIDEO AT:" These unaware souls need more information.

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Wonder how this figures in...

"Iron induces chronic heart failure in half of heart attack survivors, according to new study New Study - ‘Iron Induces Chronic Heart Failure’

As We’ve Said, Unbound Iron Is A BIG Player https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-11-iron-chronic-heart-failure-survivors.html

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How about placing one in front of Walensky's home in Newton MA.

811 Comm Ave in Newton... a neighbourhood for the super rich but easy to see from rt. 30.

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Citizens will notice and that's what will drive things. Good move! Now put sone in states where they are still pushing the poison and sir back and watch. Any way to show some coffins, parents holding a baby blanket and crying looking down, and needles? Handicapped and older folks with graves?More needles with the words "Safe and effective? Rethink the covid jabs!"

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Probably financed with (back-handers) by Big Pharma who will never give up the 'LICENCE to KILL'? Mick

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You are a hero and protector of all, especially children. Thank you. Keep it up!

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Steve: You are an American Hero and will one day you will be recognized as such by History.

The reason they cannot see the truth is perhaps because they are on the take?

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