How close are we to ending the College mandates here in California?

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How’s the Novavax coming along here in the USA? Is it safe?

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Hey steve.

Would you mind doing a response to a widely circulating article about robert malone, 'the vaccine scientist spreading vaccine misinformation', as its putting people off from him. Thanks

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In the x factor analysis, I'm confused about the baseline count. The majority of vaccines given in the past five years are given to young children, right? So I'm not sure how that is a fair comparison to the covid vaccine which was distributed mostly to older people

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Every time I try to post these articles I get a notice from Facebook saying that it's not factual and all of that. This is absolutely horrendous! What can we do about this!

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I think we will soon see more and more evidence of the tiny blood clots. I think we will also see other more long-term events, I.e. cancer. If we do not I am willing to look at scientific evidence on the other side. However, it is sad, but I don’t think we’ll have to wait long. I have one friend wearing a heart monitor at this moment. While he had preexisting heart problems, it is interesting they seemed to get worse recently. The hard part is people are often SO convinced they did the “right thing” in getting the shot they won’t listen to the possibility these sudden symptoms and diagnoses are related to the shots.

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In this article it states "Today, we do science based on our belief system rather than the old-fashioned way of looking at what the data actually says." But as my mother, an award winning National Academies of Sciences biologist would have said, "That is NOT science!". She would be right. That is faith or belief/religion, not science.

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Is there some reason why no “whistleblowers” have stepped forward from the crowded offices of wherever the CDC houses it’s VAERS data staff? Data processors? People whose job it is to follow up disturbing reports? Supervisors who look at data from 10,000 feet? Nobody??? Are there no people left with consciences and hearts? The data is heart-breaking and profoundly disturbing. Immersed in that all day - and no urge to run away and scream?

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Tried to post on Fascistbook and got blocked immediately.

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Is it possible to do a geographic analysis of VAERS reports? I suspect that in heavily 'blue' cities there is significant under-reporting for reasons of social conformity. Is there a way to look at VAERS reports by state or by county, 'normalize' the data against population and vaccine rates, and see if there is a red/blue split, or if some hospital systems are wildly under-reporting? It would be interesting to take the highest reporting geographies and calculate what their adverse reaction rates are. Thank you.

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Steve and staff, Would you walk us through the steps you take to draw your conclusions about safety and efficacy, based on this published 6-month trail data?

Unfortunately, most of us lack the time, training or even impetus to look beyond the author’s own conclusions.

In order for most of us to understand the degree or validity of controversy, we would need to “see your work” as specifically and accessibly as it can be shown without sparing any of the original formatting and material.

Perhaps in its own blog post? Thanks


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OH MY GOD. It's unbelievable all the "Sars-COV-2 Antibody Test" hits. I mean, that's NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE!!!!!

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Thank you very much for all the work you're doing. I met someone yesterday for the first time who knows THREE people with myocarditis from the vaccine, one of them their son whose prognosis is uncertain. My husband has the science, medical contacts, not me, but he asked me to send him sources and he'll pass them on. He's afraid of losing his job because he's not allowed to talk about things he's not an "expert" on. I did come across something he could talk about and still not be "breaking the rules". I listened to an interview with a doctor who said 78 children had been blinded by the vaccines reported in VAERS. Could someone tell me where to find this please?

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Fascinating analysis - thanks for sharing this. I'm going to play with this and see what kind of visualizations could be done with this data to make it easier to understand. Hopefully can have something together by next weekend.

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MY BIL is now suffering from refractory tinnitus, after Booster. How common is this injury?

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