Ron Johnson is honest, hard working and great for Wisconsin. We need him to be reelected in November.

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All my anti-Ron Johnson relatives have been posting this on FB? I know nothing about WI politics. Is there any truth to it and whether yes or no, shouldn’t he correct perception (or correct his messages if inaccurate)


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I hope so. We need an end to the madness. But, watch closely as Fauci and Collins hold onto dear life to stay involved. It might have some to do with money, but it appears more and more like it is power and control.

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President Biden, Victoria Nuland, and Ron Johnson have come out in favor of destroying the Nord Stream pipeline by any means necessary. Now that it actually has been sabotaged, were these men involved, including Ron Johnson? I admire Ron Johnson for what he has done on Covid vaccines, but have doubts about his foreign policy views.

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Hi, Steve!

A week ago my husband and I donated more than $500 to RonJohn's campaign (I can't remember how much. I'll have to double check with my husband.) If we're able, we'd love to join you on the call. Thanks SO much for all you're doing! We attended "Defeat the Mandates DC" in January and I understand you funded the protest. THANK YOU!

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Steve I just gave $500. How do I get info on his call?

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If Ron Johnson wants my support, he needs to change his position on a woman’s right to choose. He also needs to change his positions on wanting to defund Medicare, medicaid and social security. Although I agree with him on the vaccine issue, and I appreciate his trying to give a voice to the vaccine injured, I wholeheartedly disagree with him on everything else. This creates a real dilemma for me, and surely for many others who are opposed to vaccine mandates. You cannot be against the government telling you you must have a vaccine, but be for the government telling you must have a baby that you do not want to have. This is extraordinarily hypocritical and self-serving.

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Rand too

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It will either be Ron Johnson and the truth is spot lighted or defund the police Mandela Barnes (damn near communist) with whom the truth dies.

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Beth Mouser, there is absolutely no way you can be saying that Chridtians, conservatives, libertarians, or anarcho-capitalists like me are more hateful or more dangerous th as n the ones now effectively on power.

You're the ones talking about camps. I changed my party registration to put in a protest vote in the Tulsi Gabbard mark. Look up the web sites for pro-life atheists, and Godless pro-lifers.

And check out lewrockwell dot com, where the best libertarians hang out. But Lew & company often post articles from the "left".

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I've sent him a few contributions amounting to tens of dollars.

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I get what you are saying and assure you it is not my ego that precludes me from joining this other tent. The hate and intolerance I have experienced here and other places coming from this party means I can't join you in your bigger tent. And this would be so if I did not have an LBGTQ family member. Your saying that mandates are life and death and the gay marriage issue is would-be-nice tells me you don't understand. I don't want to divulge too much but I will assure you it has hit our home personally regarding the impact of bulllying, shaming, and shunning from those you wish to join and support. It is just as important an issue as the mandates because lives are at stake. Just like those who support the vaccine don't understand the perspective and what's at stake to the unvaxxed, you don't understand the stakes to LBGTQ. Anyway, I believe that the tent you want me to join will not be larger than the other tent despite all the deaths from the vaccine. The hate and intolerance emanating from this party is not only broadcast here but on MSM. The deaths and injuries from the vaccine are not. The masses are largely unaware of the dangers of the vaccine but they are very aware of the hate that emanates from this tent, so I believe the other side will prevail. In my state, the Republicans want to make it mandatory to be a Christian to be a party member. It is not I who is being divisive...this party is fabricating divisiveness by being SO discriminatory. It is ridiculous to say someone can't be married yet cry out the injustice of discrimination to the unvaxxed. They won't allow a woman the freedom to an abortion even in the earliest stages in my state. I am trying to defend freedom and be inclusive while they hack away alienating everyone. I agree big changes can be made, and if they win the election they can stop the mandates, but they can erase all the rights to the LBGTQ and I believe they will. Their lives matter too!! I believe it is not too late to start a new party and Russell Brand agrees. I asked him that question on his livestream and he said yes, he does support starting new parties.

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Steve, stop encouraging people to throw money at politicians who don't actually give a shit about us. You cannot VOTE your way out of an intentionally broken system. THIS IS WHY NOTHING EVER CHANGES!

The UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION - it has been corrupted, taken over, and no longer functions the way the founding fathers intended.

Subsections 15 and 15 (A) of Title 28 US Code §3002 - "the United States means -- (A) a Federal Corporation". It is a FOREIGN Corporation. Anyone who works for this foreign corporation is a foreign agent and is knowingly or unknowingly committing fraud against the American people.

To be more specific, that means ALL politicians working in Washington DC and every judge, attorney, police officer, and government agents working throughout the USA are FOREIGN AGENTS. Because they are foreign agents, DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY OF THESE PEOPLE - including the President. Because if you do, you are committing TREASON against the Republic of The United States of America (the 50 Union States).

Until people are truly awake to how deep this corruption and evil is, you are still willingly allowing yourself to be enslaved in a completely broken system. There are far better and more realistic solutions. But trying to play in a poisoned sandbox isn't the way to go about it.

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Steve, you are doing a great job....

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Donated 75 for the good work on Covid, but very ambivalent given his pro war stand and advocate for "doing whatever is needed " to take out NS pipelines. A warmonger but right on Covid response.

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Is it really worth the abortion restrictions and other awful policies the Republicans support though? It's a little like voting whether you want to get raped in the mouth or raped in the asshole. Plus the other Republicans can easily be bought out by Big Pharma to stop such hearings from happening anyway.

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