Jews learned nothing, and neither did the entire world from the Nazi horrors. After 81 years of study, hundreds of thousands of books, articles, movies, commentaries and overall condemnation of Adolph Hitler, virtually every country on earth has exploited this manemade pandemic and brought to life some aspect of his Nazi tyranny.

We are entering the Fourth Reich - Verrre Ahhh Youuur Peypaaas Shveinhund

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I don't know if anyone has already posted this, but this is a courageous and moving message from European Parliament member Christine Anderson's message of solidarity with Australia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLJznE7R61Y. You can follow her here: www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/197475/CHRISTINE_ANDERSON/home

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Dehumanization has begun. It starts slowly. First lockdowns and masks. Then police ignoring constitutional rights and freedoms . Then came the vaccine with mandates and passports and then job firing if you refuse to submit. It is an experiment with MRNA technology. They used military psyop of fear in worldwide unison. Go home and stay home to be safe. They blamed those who didn't wear masks or did not social distance for killing grandma and now they use hate speech against the unvaccinated and segregation to dehumanize and demoralize..

The parallels to Nazi Germany are clear. Former Holocaust survivors confirm this and we believe them over any paid bureaucrat doctor expert or media personality. They walked the walk and we have compassion and empathy for them.

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We have now reached the point in Europe again where police are out patrolling the streets checking peoples papers.

This should ring alarm bells.

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What arguments, facts, references do we have to prove that the ongoing vaxdebacle IS an EXPERIMENT? It's obvious, of course, except to the vax enthusiasts and promoters, who argue that the vax is "approved" and therefor not an experiment. It is maybe unfortunate that the Nuremberg document does not say "any and all medical procedures", not just "medical experiments".

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Here's the link to HB 550, https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/550/all-info Yes, it's WA state specific but supports the federal registry.

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HUGE! Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson: US Doctors Were Reviewing Moderna Vaccine In December 2019 Before COVID Hit the US (VIDEO)

Glenn Beck was on Tucker Carlson’s show on Wednesday night and he discussed the many actions taken by Dr. Fauci and friends before the China coronavirus (COVID-19) hit the US in early 2020.

Beck mentioned that Dr. Ralph Baric reviewed Moderna and Dr. Fauci’s coronavirus vaccine in 2019.


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Steve, as much as I appreciate the needed and truthful content of your posts, I cannot support your own financial profit from such a universal call to action. Using the suffering of others as a manipulative business tactic has lessened my respect for you, which I am greatly sad about. It also puts you with the very people you rally against and as such deserves your own long and reflective reconsideration.

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I find it a common but fateful fallacy to focus only on "minorities". Alarm bells should ring just as much when majorities are suppressed and persecuted as with minorities. A wrong does not become in any way more palatable if it is committed against more instead of less people. If you think otherwise, then what was the annihilation of tens of millions of Russians and Ukrainians belonging to the MAJORITY in your view?

It might be understandable if a Jewish Holocaust survivor sees these things from his peculiar ethnic perspective which has near-always been one of minority status. His statement, thus, serves the purpose for him and his ethnoreligious minority. As a universal message, it certainly is of much less use. For as a universal message, we must not limit our resistance to wrongs to those that are committed against "minorities" only. We must make the message truly universal. A crime is a crime. Fullstop. Whether it is committed to a minority or a majority must not matter to us.

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I've started a substack, https://doctorstrial.substack.com to chronicle the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial in "real time" with a 75-year delay. Will run from December 2021 through August 2022.

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Mass civil disobedience is the only way forward in this insanity!

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You're so right Steve. Kick ass and take names later!

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Steve texting us from his brain's funhouse-mirror reality where Joseph Goebbels runs Facebook and the New York Times. It can't be fixed.

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Should anyone doubt the (in)human capacity to murder hundred's of millions of people, a link below is to an internet archive (archive.org) footage from 1945. It might be a needed jolt to wake up. That decade long, highly mechanized albeit crude and ultimately pregnable slaughter was, until now, the "gold standard" of methods of human extermination. This current attempt is the culmination of the most atrocious research and development since, at least, the 1800's. Dreadfully, it appears that the vast majority of us are unable to peel enough of the onion-like layers of masterfully crafted bullshit brainwashing since birth to view in themselves then bravely pulverize the most obdurate cognitive dissonance humans can manufacture for mental "protection"... absolutely a must if anyone can still "awaken" from this madness. Forget about your fear of discovering a spine-chilling truth! If the majority of us cannot even bear doing his or her own critical thinking IMMEDIATELY, most of us will lucky to be incinerated in Topf & Söhne ovens! There are, sadly, fates much worse than death. Detractors and Trolls, it doesn't matter if WWII propaganda campaigns may taint those archived images that most people will attempt welding to the thick, poisoned, scar tissue of cognitive-dissonance . What is happening now is real, the insane lying narratives and statistics debunked irrefutably. Just breathe...face the fears and begin to dismantle the "Truman's World" we've all been tricked with, including myself. I'm not exactly a "hopetimist" about this conundrum humanity is facing. I try to believe I can become, at least, a "wrench-in-the-gears". I have two grown children, both deeply mesmerized by the unprecedented, Masterfully Crafted Crimes Against Humanity Machine's lies... and both employed in the Belly of the Beast, Public Medicine in the San Francisco Bay Area. Currently, despite the deep love and connections, mostly positive, free from dogmatic zeitgeists, encouraged to be themselves, I see them as if I'm dreaming...spinning away from me in deep space...from my view, towards an extremely dangerous black hole in their never fully "vaccinated" futures. Losing all hope is not an option. If I am bereft of hope in general, I have hope that we (humanity) will realize that there is not "Right" or "Left" and will realize before it's too late that "It's a COOKBOOK!" Season 3, episode 89 Twilight Zone...or, best case scenario, I'm wrong, even "crazy"... I can take it.

As activist Mario Savio famously said 56 years ago in part of his Free Speech Movement address at UC Berkeley's Sproul Hall, Dec. 02, 1964 (2nd link below)...

"There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels…upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"

1. A Painful Reminder: Evidence for All Mankind (WARNING!! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!!)


2. Mario Savio (audio of full speech with transcription)


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I am not sure why you want us to pay to subscribe to your sub stack. There are already many I am paying for who need the money and are using it for lawsuits, etc (ICAN, RFK jr.). I appreciate what you are doing but it feels weird to be asked to become a paying member for a silicon valley philanthropist.

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There is a federal vaccine registry up and running H.B. 550

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