
Note: I re-wrote the headline and subhead after pushing the email.

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It seems, to me, that those, such as yourself Steve, & doctors who've tried using cheap & safe options, are the ones who are labeled 'misinformation spreaders'. Yet none of you have anything to gain from trying to get the truth out there. I've been constantly surprised & annoyed that people listen, & believe, all this bull that's passed for science/medicine, only those who have something to gain, whether monetary or increasing their public exposure by being seen &/or heard on tv and radio. Even many in my extended family, who are jabbed & some boostered, can't see the irony in the fact that they all got covid & have been catching every cold going around & still happy to follow our governments 'advise' & yet I've not been sick, not once in 3 years & I'm not jabbed. I follow the FLCCC's protocols. Go figure.

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Thanks much for that amazing observation! All this time, and never noticing. Wow.

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The ER doc is a zero-integrity liar. Even a first-year med student ought to know why surgeons wear masks: to protect themselves from incoming material. Blood, peritoneal fluid, feces and food (in unfasted penetrating trauma patients), bone chips, etc. That's also why MEs wear them during autopsies. It's obviously not to protect the stiff on the slab. Numerous studies have shown that patients of surgeons who don't mask have identical or better post-op infection outcomes as patients of surgeons who do mask. Others suggest that the cleanest OR would have personnel operating naked, which dramatically reduces the amount of shed skin cells contacting the patient, and therefore bacteria transferred on those skin cells. Air handling systems have much bigger impacts on post-op infections than surgical masks, which are best seen as either ritualistic talismans or guidance from the hospital's legal department. Then there's the obvious: If you can breathe through a slave muzzle, aerosols are getting through it, and therefore viruses are getting through it--to say nothing of *around* it past all the gaps. And does the ER doc walk around wearing Speedo goggles to protect the mucus membranes of his eyes from contacting the trillions of viruses that people encounter every day? No. Because he doesn't want to look like a complete moron. Well, that ship sailed with his rationalizations for refusing debate.

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'decliners oh' is an anagram of 'ScholerinED'. I think he is a lucking fiar.

Anyway, it explains why he declines to debate you Steve, it's in his name.

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Steve,. It's like banging your damn head against the wall for some. Until it affects them and or there loved ones it will continue you do see many more understanding the "Science" now and the wheels are turning faster and faster work to do, but it's leading in correct direction.

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It's always the same with these people. When you ask them to explain, they're never willing to.

I encountered somebody recently who told me that no study on face masks prior to March 2020 could be trusted as every single one was faked (presumably part of a global conspiracy?).

What was the proof for this? A single study from 2020, which the author's themselves admitted wasn't conclusive due a small sample size and several issues which gave them inaccurate data.

To make matters worse, this study concluded that face masks can stop droplets but not aerosols and are therefore unlikely to have a significant impact.

Of course I was blocked and left unable to get her to actually read the study she felt was absolute proof of a global conspiracy against face masks.

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Sorry but you've lost me! Not sure what your abbreviations refer to.

'Our' theory, is that the World Domination Theory has been Planned since the Industrial Revolution with characters like Rockefellers, etc,. It's just that now, some of these self titled 'Elites' feel they can reveal their hand. There are many of us that will stop their dastardly Plan and imprison them!

Cheers! Mick.

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I'm sure you're correct Ray. But they think the time is right to 'come clean' about the Future they have planned for us. It ain't very nice being a SLAVE! Cheers! Mick.

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We know the masks don’t work.

Little is said of how a used mask, worn to capture “Covid”, and should be assumed to contain “Covid”, is handled.

Or not having to wash hands after adjusting same.

Great scribe on MASH where Winchester touched his forehead in the OR.

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Perhaps the reason he won't debate you is that he may fear that one of the outcomes will be that he will lose his job, and that may be a real possibility. If that is his reason, then it would seem he values his ER job over the offered opportunity to expose what he called "a misinformation spreader for personal gain" concerning life and death issues. So wouldn't that be him fearing a personal loss?

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Did anyone else notice the doctor's twitter header,"ER doc/Pharmacology PhD. Ethics consultant. DEI. 🙏🏻 get vaxed/boosted. Views=mine. ❤/🔃≠endorsement. He/him. Not advice. I block & vote liberally." Ethics consultant? Really? Ethics? There's irony for you!

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Did anyone else notice the doctor's Twitter info, "ER doc/Pharmacology PhD. Ethics consultant. DEI. 🙏🏻 get vaxed/boosted. Views=mine. ❤/🔃≠endorsement. He/him. Not advice. I block & vote liberally." this doctor is an Ethics consultant? Really? Ethics? There's irony for you!

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Just another coward who doesn't want to threaten his cash flow. Few if any will put everything on the line to tell the truth. It is a sad state of affairs where we are at.

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Thank you for walking away from money to care for the health of people instead. Steve, I admire what you did. You, along with others, gave me the courage to challenge my workplace mandate. It cost me my job but it was worth it. I am eager for my Tribunal case to go forward.

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The problem is indeed misinformation. ER doc? Ethics consultant? Big lesson here, he is NOT a medical doctor, he advertises a PhD in pharmacology, ok. Not a doctor, not a scientist, not a virologist. ETHICS CONSULTANT?

That means RISK MANAGEMENT, deciding life and death issues to reduce hospital risk. FOLLOW THE MONEY. Nope, a troll! STEVE, not a match for you, he knows drugs and policy, nothing ethical in this Twitter troll

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