Steve, did you see this bogus AP "fact check"? https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-faa-pilots-heart-covid-373861551871. Wow. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

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Entitled people who believe what they think is correct, no matter what. President Trump would be great at telling her, "you're fired."

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Rosie Cotton, I am a Christ-follower also. Thank you for not being ashamed of Christ! Nebulize with H2O2 and never catch another virus of any kind!

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Steve, I put out an add for someone with experiance to cut me some wood for next winter (for 2023/24). Well, guess I will freeze. No one responded! I pay $7.00 an hour!

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Silence is golden. Thats why they have the fifth. You can never get to the truth. But, we know in our hearts the truth, our gov. hate us. something about eaters? Steve I love you! In a Christ like way.

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Corruption filters down from the top. Every, and I mean every, federal, state and local government entity is compromised due to coercion and corrupt self interest. And not just on the SARScoV2 issue. PU.

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There was a dead pilot flight to Seattle last fall.

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Please have some attorneys to sue the pants off the FAA. If not do you think the Biden administration putting a gun like pressure on the FAA?

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Before anyone else jumps on this misguided bandwagon, read this statement from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association's medical director. AOPA (I've been a member for 53 years) is the single largest pilot organization in the world, representing nearly a half million pilots.


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ATTENTION-ATTENTION-ATTENTION, better get ready world war 111 i s here. Shelter, water, food and (the dog that barks over here and bites over yonder), protection of the BANG type!

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"Providing the Safest, Most Efficient Aerospace System in the World" is no excuse for having a dismally pitiful one.

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I've never agreed with Steve more than I do on this one. This crime isn't going away, the effects and dangers are real, and ignoring or suppressing it is unconscionable. Support Freedom Flyers, make noise about this to your elected officials and thank Steve for using his platform to shine a light on it.

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scott.kirby@united.com .Have not heard from you concerning the safety of your Pilots, please contact me as soon as possible. Do you care about your pilots safety....

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Ed.Jordan@wnco.com.. Have not heard from you concerning the safety of your Pilots, please contact me as soon as possible. Do you care about your pilots safety.

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