A part of me dies every time I read articles like this. I can't take much more of this ... #NowhereToRun #TimeToDie

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It's tragic that anyone should die from being vaccinated, but when a child dies, it's the loss of a life that could have been lived. Children are innocent as it is not they who have made the decision to be vaccinated. The parents and families of these children are experiencing inexplicable suffering. Are the drug companies any different to serial killers? It's time the families who have lost loved ones come together so that their voice may be heard. These crimes against humanity cannot go on!

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So I posted it on Facsbook and a friend reacted privately telling me that this is all bull and you basically went of the rails - the "source" is below. They seem to lose it.


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Sarah Jessica Blattner: 14-Year-Old Israeli American Girl Suffers and Dies from COVID Vaccine


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Jan 8, 2022·edited Jan 8, 2022

This is the New World Fascist Order taking shape. They consider those killed as a necessary price and don’t care. Furthermore, the larger their crime the less likely they’ll change coarse as that would imply responsibility.... disgraceful.

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There's going to be many doctors and others that will be facing Crimes Against Humanity charges once this crime comes into clearer view which will be an outstandingly great event where criminals will be paying for their many and atrocious crimes some with their lives...

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This is outrageous. We must continue to speak up and put pressure on the government and these unethical "scientists" and doctors.

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They will never admit it is happening, and they will never stop until it becomes too dangerous to carry on.

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How come I can't find her account posts? Nothing in FB and newest posts in Twitter are from 2019...

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Israel met the new normal in January-March wave of heart attacks. Just insane. This must have been known from the very start.

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I bet there will be a new medical specialty - pediatric heart failure docs.

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Are there easy to digest studies or graphs that compare flu vaccines to COVID vaccines for 5-11 year old deaths or other adverse reactions? We are attempting to evaluate the flu vs covid vaccines while dealing with social/peer impacts for our 11 year old son given he’s one of a couple students in his grade that is not vaccinated.

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The vaccines will also probably increase the rates of homosexuality and transexuality in youth. Brain inflammation is a risk factor for homosexuality and the risk begins at the fetus stage and continues almost throughout the active sexual life. Kathryn Lenz has shown that allergic reactions in the mother disturb sexual development of the fetus in adulthood. See https://psyarxiv.com/bjxvs/ for more.

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Čo s tým, keď zločinci chcú znížiť tú populáciu na zemi. A veĺa ľudí je napadnutých vírusom od ktorého sa osprostieva.

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The Not So Great Carbon Reset – Part 2


by IAIN DAVIS Thursday, 6th January 2022

Part 1 of this article is here.

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Dr. Vernon Coleman

Here is the PROOF that covid-19 was downgraded in March 2020


As I reported on my website back in March, on March 19th, the public health bodies in the UK and the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens decided that the new disease should no longer be classified as a 'high consequence infectious disease' (click on the link below to see the proof). The coronavirus was downgraded to flu level.


A couple of days after this decision, the UK Government introduced lockdowns and introduced the most oppressive Bill in British Parliamentary history. The Emergency Bill, which was 358 pages long, turned Britain into a totalitarian state and gave the Government and the police unprecedented powers. Public meetings and elections were banned and there were new powers relating to 'restrictions on use and disclosure of information'.

There are still people who do not know that the coronavirus was downgraded to `flu’ threat back in March. Please send the link to MPs and newspapers. It proves that everything that has happened since March has been a lie.


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