
Got a link to the presentation thanks to one of my readers. Article updated.

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Coop, I can't find another way to respond to your last email because my usual attempts are not working. Thank-you for your comment and I will wait with interest to see what happens and who is the last man standing! I will try to access the site you posted separately as it is not working on the post. cheers.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

A father was walking on the sidewalk with his young son, and the son asked him, "Dad, why is the sky blue?" to which the father replied, "I don't know, Son." A minute later the boy asked, Dad, what makes grass green?" to which the father replied, "I don't know that either, son." Another minute goes by and the child asked, "Dad how do birds fly? And the father replied, "I don't know, Son, but keep asking questions-- that's how you learn."

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

Even though the FBI believes Covid came from the Chinese military supervised lab in Wuhan, FBI director Christopher Ray stated that it has killed millions of Americans in the United States. Aside from getting the source of Covid correct, in this case, how credible is Ray when even the official estimate is about 1 million deaths in the United Statess, and that's believed to be grossly exaggerated.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

"Lessons learned during the pandemic"? I think we need to get really strict on this. Using such language is aiding and abetting in terrorism. Why is there no warnings on the documents? Oh it was a misktake calling it pandemic but there was a warning on the document just in case such a thing happened. Nobody is perfect right?

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Ivermectin use & cover-up is important in this talking as well. Hospital protocols that killed need to be addressed & talked about. I would never believe data released now by agencies for any reason. If they freely didn’t share when we most needed it, why would we believe the data now? So easy to manipulate data to their advantage. It’s too late.


This doctor was physically removed from a meeting because he spoke of Ivermectin in his private practice.

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The elephant in the room is that mankind can no longer live under the system of "Government" regardless of the ideology or degrees of brutality, in the end "Governments" all do the same thing....it colletivizes the people by initating enFORCEment.

Government is a BAD idea why?

Bad Ideas require enFORCEment good ideas do not, mankind will gravitate towards Good ideas which is why Bad deas MUST be enFORCEd.......

Biggest scam known to mankind.

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I surely wish we had the ENGLISH version of your testimony. In other words, without the translator. It's appropriate for Mexico, of course but I still ask: Does an English-only track exist?

If so, it would be wonderful if it were posted.

And THANK YOU for crossing the border to spread the word, Steve.

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Silent no more was/is my sign. I still stand by this statement. I wish I can DO so much more, but I will NEVER be silent!!! Once again, lots of us are with you Steve. As always...#AmericaFirst

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Rockefeller started this nightmare pharma driven health train using his inordinate resources to control medical education. Gates and others follow. Demonization of natural medicine and substances are part of today's "education" because it/they is not patentable. Rockefeller's business genius was in creating monopolies via partnerships and negotiations; written, hand shakes or discussions. Example; if we both keep the price of fuel above $ ??.?? per gallon, we both make more money; pricing wars are bad for business. Simply take a 100 year step back to see how medicine has changed from using what the earth provides to regularly injecting patented chemical concoctions. Please also consider who knows what is in that vial your injection is coming from. Was it tested to confirm it's labeled content after leaving the manufacturing facility operated by habitual repeat convicted felons ? It might kill you or it might be saline at $ 100 / dose. You don't know, your hospital doesn't know and your Doctor does not know. The system is very corrupt.

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Steve, why is nobody else talking about this either? Make sure you share this...


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Fear of truth, it's a really ugly story.

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Simple, the truth shows the pure sociopathic evil and their complicity in knowing, willing and more probably, with intent, mass murder.

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Thanks for the slides, Steve.

Thanks for your research. Great stuff in there. I mean it's all bad news for those of us coerced into the mRNA vaccination, but great stuff. 😓

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Translator is talking over you in that linked YT vid.

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