Proof it!

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Look under the chip checker videos on bitchute.com for download links for android.

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On the chip checker videos on Bitchute links that I sent earlier, there are download links for the chip checker app for Android under some of these videos. That is what we used to download the app.

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That photo is not recent.

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Steve, look at all those in Israel who took the jab"s. Sure she took it and now will not break the narrative. Steve we be in big trouble! Can trust no one in authority, all a bunch of lying murders!

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"Cytopathic effects of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cell cultures and electron microscopy image of SARS-CoV-2"

Virus have never been found in a human being or animal. That is the problem ! The only place virologists could fin them are vero cell lines, they had to kill first. (CPE)

This is a fake method, as those same virus can be found in those dead vero cells without infecting them first with saliva from a sick person. This is called control experiment. Virologists never did those control experiments, but they have been done by privately financed scientists in the meantime. Virology is not a science anymore, but nobody cares.

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No, I mean it has never been found in a human being. The only "place" virologists could ever find particles they call virus are vero cell lines. But they have to kill those cells first with antibiotica, other toxic medication and starvation. Only then those particles can be seen. You think this can´t be true ? Check it out. You can take whatever study you like, f.e.: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7036342/

"Cytopathic effects of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cell cultures and electron microscopy image of SARS-CoV-2"

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"The article in the San Jose Mercury News said her office wouldn’t comment on her medical history regarding shingles due to privacy concerns."

I agree. This should apply to public transportation, international travel, schools, places of business, public gatherings, etc. also. Whether anybody has been injected with some pharma concoction is nobody's business. Not the airline's. Not the government's. Nobody. Medical information should be private. No exceptions.

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My family friend got the first 2 shots because she was scared as shit, and has kids in school that HAD to get the shots. And then she got a booster, cause, ya know, she had to. After months and months of seeing a specialist for new pains, she was diagnosed with Lupus. Her doc silently attributed it to the booster. Then, she got ANOTHER booster - then she got shingles. I point blank asked her WtF??!! Apparently her mom is a ER nurse and her stepdad is a OR doc, both forcing her to jab, cause, ya know, it’s safe and effective. I want to cry thinking about this whole clusterfuck.

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All your money won't another minute buy.

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DiFi was mayor of San Francisco in the 80s. I lived there. It was very nice. The diverse population of the city was united over a curious thing: Joe Montana and the 49ers. Today SF is a 3rd world shithole, except in Pacific Heights where DiFi and her cronies live.

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Give her remdesivir and put her on a respirator.

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I doubt that many big-shot politicians like Feinstein actually were jabbed with Fauci's poison death shot. You probably could count their number on one hand.

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This Feinstein thing has been in the senate since 1992. She is evil and corrupt to levels that are hard to digest. She is senile and has dementia now. But just like bidden she will stay in office. This is the state of America. Very unlikely she took a real covid shot, but possible she did get shingles which in some cases can be disabling.

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Elites don't get live shots, if they really get shots at all. Looks bad to have public role models dropping dead in droves. Her shingles is probably just a coincidence.

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I never had a shingles vaccine or covid shot but got shingles and post herpetic neuralgia after my divorce so assume emotional stress caused it. I have had gallstones, appendicitis, second- and third-degree burns and broken ribs. The shingles pain was twice as bad and lasted for 4 months. I was on antivirals, Neurontin, prednisone. None worked. Some cases are mild, but it destroyed me. The worst part was the pain prevented me from sleeping and I started to lose it mentally. As a last resort I called my doctor friend, and he wrote a rx for oxycodone. It made me nauseous, but I was at least able to sleep. The other thing that helped was acupuncture.

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