After the NanoGraphene is shot in the human body with injection, the person has just to days in time to remove it. With buypass on blood vessels and a powerful magnet. Where the magnet must be cleaned at least one time, every hour. And operation ongoing for 1-2 days. This is the only way to get the nanographene out of the body with.

If all the 5G towers and antennas on the whole planet was removed and taken down, the nanographene is not dangerous for the body.

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Not new - what is new is you weaponizing these tragedies https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1955549/

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I believe these blockages are a composition of neutrophilic elastase and spike 1 protein particles that occur due to incomplete degradation of the spike 1 protein, after extruding to the outside of the cell membrane during the enzymatic process. The synthetic mRNA molecules produces a synthetic spike 1 protein with 2 additional proline molecules incorporated to resist desegregation.

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I have a theory about why people are dying from the synthetic mRNA bioweapons. Amyloid-like blockages are clogging the veins and arteries. These blockages begin with the synthetic mRNA bioweapon hijacking every cell in the body to force the protein-making mechanism to only make synthetic spike 1 protein (sS1P). The sS1P extrudes from the cell and attaches to the outside of the cell membrane. The immune system calls in the neutrophils to deliver proteases (protein degrading enzymes), called neutrophilic elastase. Enzymatic degradation products are sS1P peptides that resist further break-down. sS1P peptides attract other peptides to form the amyloid-like blockages. The sS1P has been genetically altered to resist complete enzymatic degradation, through the addition of two proline molecules. The resulting peptides floating freely throughout the body are doing the damage. This is my humble opinion after significant research of peer reviewed journal articles.

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I noted here that young law enforcement officers are also dying “unexpectedly”.


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Something with the heart. People are either dying when the heart is at rest (at night) or when the heart is working harder (strenuous cardio). Why ?

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When people say they know many people who died of Covid I ask, "did they die of Covid or the shot???". Then I always get the snide "Oh you're one of those, are you?". I feel like replying, " well thanks for exposing yourself as one of those non critical thinkers!"

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It’s so obvious. It’s not rocket science here. The vaccine isn’t safe for ANYONE!!! I’ve never taken it at 67 yrs old. God help these poor souls. I couldn’t even talk my kids out of it because they couldn’t travel without it. 😡😡😡

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Vax jockeys haz the SADS....

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Home Depot, Walmart, Lowe’s, and all the other big box stores told their employees the shots were perfectly safe.

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And yet another. Tyler Sanders died age 18, one week ago Lone Star actor

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Yes, it may be a possibility. The vaccinations in Australia started at the end of February, 2021 and my daughter died at the end of June. She complained of a strong fatigue. There is shedding of the spike protein from the cell membrane into the blood and to other tissues, so infections are possible.

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My daughter, age 33, who did not receive the vaccine, died in her sleep a year ago. This was in Australia where there were imposed draconian laws of long lockdowns.

Perhaps, other factors of "managing the pandemic" are involved in sudden death as well.

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Good news. Pfizer and Moderna are coming out with a vaccine against this mysterious sudden death syndrome. Be sure to line up for these vaccinations once they come out. Sudden death vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective. Get yours today.

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