Dont u der u kriminals

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For some insight on how they are carefully and craftily framing the WHO power grab, consider joining this: https://www.migrationpolicy.org/events/preparedness-next-pandemic-borders-health

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As they look to take away your personal right to make decisions about your health, we have a technology that can help using only frequency therapy. Your body is purely mathematical. We're cracking the codes to its every function, process, gene, biochemical, etc. www.freenutritionreport.com. We are helping people with their health when others cannot. Human Bioacoustics is the future for health freedom.

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At the same time they are doing this, the CDC is talking about a gun violence epidemic. This would empower the WHO / UN to declare a gun violence health emergency in the US and open the door for UN Peace Keepers to move in and confiscate firearms door to door.

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Russel Brand is asking for submission of links such as this on his YouTube channel. He posted a petition for the UK

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Just no way to take the rights from the citizens of the world!

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I’m a bit confused, how does anyone just give the citizens of country their rights away. It doesn’t matter who it is either. It’s like the US saying oh here’s a treaty France, or Belgium or whoever, if we determine there’s a crisis in your country we’re locking you down. Don’t the people of the country have a say in who’s doing the raping?

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Oops, just getting this.

But I think there is something better that we can do.

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I thank God u all are on it! It will take many of us to stop this! Glad to work w/ you!

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Thanks Steve for all ur great work! May the Good God bless u & ur family!

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Interest of Justice spoke up and got to speak NINE times- by the end we insisted no one got enough time and we are their OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE.

HHS told us that we can keep sending more stuff SO PLEASE KEEP SHARING BOTH PETITIONS UNTIL MAY 28 to try to STOP THE VOTE ON IHR AMENDMENTS!!!!

Thank you Steve Kirsh for sharing! We went on after the Head of GLOBAL IMMUNIZATION and said THE VACCINES KILL MORE THAN THEY SAVE FROM ALL CAUSE MORTALITY and we refer to Steve Kirsh and Dr. Yeadon's work (Dr. Yeadon verified all Steve Kirsh's work on the record for us long ago!) in our long documents to the WHO head attorney!!

Its working - 23,600 petitions sent and rising! WE WILL ENFORCE THIS PROCESS!!

Please keep sending - we wore them down and they are finally listening & EXTENDED THEIR OWN DEADLINE TO HEAR YOU ALL. We will MAKE them listen.... or we will sue to stop them!

WE love you tribe! Sign the petition here: www.interestofjustice.org. SHARE THE PETITIONS FAR AND WIDE!!!

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I missed putting this Very upsetting announcement spreading that the Melbourne Premier is trying for a bill to be passed to stop people growing vegetables and fruit in their back yards, and if this Hitler gets it passed, Police etc will go from door to door and rip out all the beautiful produce!!!!!!!!!! Heaps of 🙏Prays needed also here in down under, (not a joke now). ❤️🙏

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Apparently Australia is handing over the day after our elections next Saturday 21 May.

We must All fight this atrocity, and one thing for sure we’re not going down without a fight, we can make their grubbery as hard and uncomfortable as possible. Love❤️Thanks dear Steve. ❤️🙏🌟

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I don’t think any amount of comments will stop this freight train. This has all been planned for decades. If people don’t wake up they will be caught unaware and unprepared. In numbers we are still strong.

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Did it yesterday!

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

The question is, can any government representative or agency hand this sort of power over to a foreign entity? I don't think they have the authority. I wonder if we should be talking to groups like Judicial Watch https://www.judicialwatch.org and folks like Rand Paul who are in positions to push back. We can write to our representatives but those of us in blue states won't get very far.

There is also the Thomas More Society who have been pushing back on vaccines (mostly on religious reasons so maybe outside their domain). https://thomasmoresociety.org/breaking-news/

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